Blog Post 2

 How might a teacher design the learning experiences to include digital devices?  

Before I started taking an educational technology course, I would have never thought I would want to use so much technology in my classroom. I have never loved to use computers and I always knew the bare minimum I needed to know. Taking this course taught me to look at things differently in the fact that technology is a very important tool in education. It is a super cool way to be able to get everyone learnings needs' at once. Technology is a great way to grab your student's attention and get them to interact and engage in the class no matter the age group. I have five different items that I feel I would like to start out with when I become a teacher myself. 

Five technology devices to incorporate in my classroom:

1. Google Classroom: This Google service allows teachers to organize their class, interact with students, grade their work, check on their progress, etc. Since this account is created through Google, this is perfect for students, teachers, and parents to all be able to use and see. The teacher simply invites the student to join their class and the student accepts by entering a code. This tool is always available for teachers to provide feedback and is a virtual classroom that is always open.   

2. Editing Services: Many students struggle with essays and other written assignments. Editing services can help students with their term paper, book reviews, proofreading, and is a great tool for beginner writers. This tool helps writers fix their mistakes and learn from them. It not only helps American students, but also international students work at a faster pace with a language they are unfamiliar with. 

3. ClassMaker: This is a simple tool that allows teachers to create an online test that is instantly graded, which can save them a lot of time and allows them to focus on more important issues. Teachers can also add videos and spreadsheets to make the test interactive. The teacher has the ability to create groups and give each group a separate test but can also share one exam to each student. Teachers can also set a time limit or give extended time to students. 

4. Edmodo: This tool helps integrate teachers, students, and parents into the learning process. It allows teachers to create groups, quizzes, and assign assignments. You can also keep parents up to date on special events and homework assignments so they can also ask questions and be involved in their child's learning. 

5. Kahoot: This is a fun interactive tool between teachers and students that turns learning into a game. There is not a limit on the number of information, images, or videos you have, and you can make it as interactive or as not interactive as y
ou with. This allows the whole class to interact in the lesson in a fun way and get them excited about learning. 

These are just a few ways I feel that I will include digital devices in the classroom, however, there are so many more ways that technology can be used in the classroom. Technology is a great way to include everyone's learning styles and make students excited for learning instead of having to listen to an hour lecture. 


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